My Hijab - My Honor - MY Pride

Tight hugging jeans are for the eyes of the soldier by my side
The media put me in chains and frames
turned the power off & stole the mic
What has happened to my human rights?!

I'm not afraid to say what i can but you've turned out the lights!
I'm covered, hell yeah its true but ever question what Mary's wearing in that statue?
See she is who i look upto to the extent of the way shes dressed.
Turn around, and turn on your screen and see what's happening in the west
You talk about freedom and liberation? Yet the richest nation can't have a bit of salvation!
Nine year old Aisha, was the mother of the believers.
A noble woman who men seeked knowledge from.
Today you got 9 year olds dreaming of Mr Bieber.
Prostitution is on the rise just to gain an early prize - or the easy way out.
Yet you still turn to the East & still want to doubt?
You're like sheep, dumb and follow the rest of the flock even if they're wrong.
Weakness in the mind, not the body.. You the reason why thugz are talking through a shotty.
Reppin area codes, cross that line - watch your house be all over the news in ashes and stone
If you had no trigger.. would you still be "the nigger"?
Our past soldiers had no trigger - just their faith & their swords...
Yet they still conquered most of these lands.
Fools - you play with fire you're bound to burn -
fly your choppers as high as you may go...
But God's above you.
And to you Mr. Athiest and your "NOTHINGNESS" theories..
Define me the law of Gravity...

What goes up must always come down!


Olliez Inc x `


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